EDIT is the network of digital Bulgaria!
We unite companies, organizations, communities and resources to learn, grow and succeed together.
Get the InnovationShip 2019 Report!
Become part of a nationwide survey that will reveal the true potential of the digital sector in Bulgarian economy.

InnovationShip 2018 Report
What does the Bulgarian digital ecosystem look like in 2018?
InnovationShip 2017 Report
What does the Bulgarian digital ecosystem look like in 2017?

in 2017 EDIT together with Google went on a roadshow

Digital Hub Bulgaria
recommendations on institutional measures to foster digital and digitally empowered SMEs in Bulgaria
InnovationShip| Digital
the study presents the development and significance of the Bulgarian digital micro, small and startup business
Ecosystem map
mapping of key ecosystem players such as organizations, funding vehicles and spaces
Digital Consciousness.
The National Survey is designed to measure economic data from Bulgaria’s top digital and innovative businesses. If you believe your company is important and could change the status quo, answer our questions and get on board.